版權所有 2024

Borderline Borderline: there is no clear cut consensus between the radiologists to place the hip into a given category of normal or dysplastic. There is usually more incongruency present than what occurs in the minor amount found in a fair but there are no arthritic changes present that definitively diagnose the hip joint being dysplastic. There also may be a bony projection present on any of the areas of the hip anatomy illustrated above that can not accurately be assessed as being an abnormal arthritic change or as a normal anatomic variant for that individual dog. To increase the accuracy of a correct diagnosis, it is recommended to repeat the radiographs at a later date (usually 6 months). This allows the radiologist to compare the initial film with the most recent film over a given time period and assess for progressive arthritic changes that would be expected if the dog was truly dysplastic. Most dogs with this grade (over 50%) show no change in hip conformation over time and receive a normal hip rating; usually a fair hip phenotype.

輕微髖關節發育不良:股骨頭微脫出關節窩造成關節窩出現不契合的狀況。關節窩通常很淺,只能包覆到部份股骨頭。在這個分級的髖關節通常不會看到關節炎的病理變化產生, 如果犬隻還年輕(24-30個月大)

,可以等犬隻年紀更大之後再做一次檢測,通常還是會被分級到輕微發育不良,且可發現早期關節炎的病理變化。髖關節發育不全症是慢性漸進式發展的疾病, 年紀越大的狗,檢測結果會越正確。
Mild Mild Canine Hip Dysplasia (Figure 5): there is significant subluxation present where the ball is partially out of the socket causing an incongruent increased joint space. The socket is usually shallow only partially covering the ball. There are usually no arthritic changes present with this classification and if the dog is young (24 to 30 months of age), there is an option to resubmit an radiograph when the dog is older so it can be reevaluated a second time. Most dogs will remain dysplastic showing progression of the disease with early arthritic changes. Since HD is a chronic, progressive disease, the older the dog, the more accurate the diagnosis of HD (or lack of HD).


版權所有人:上首尾拉不拉多專業犬舍,未經同意不得轉載!! ◎本頁最後更新日期:01/21/2013 01:43:08
