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Moderate Moderate Canine Hip Dysplasia: there is significant subluxation present where the ball is barely seated into a shallow socket causing joint incongruency. There are secondary arthritic bone changes usually along the femoral neck and head (termed remodeling), acetabular rim changes (termed osteophytes or bone spurs) and various degrees of trabecular bone pattern changes called sclerosis. Once arthritis is reported, there is only continued progression of arthritis over time.

重度髖關節發育不全:從X光片中可找到顯著的發育不全跡象/證據。股骨頭部份或完全脫出關節窩而形成脫臼的狀況。如同中度髖關節發育不全, 通常沿著股骨頭的球狀與骨頸部位開始會有很多二次性的關節炎病理變化的產生、關節窩環病變(如骨贅或骨刺)以及很多不正常的骨型病理變化。 Severe Severe HD (Figure 6): assigned where radiographic evidence of marked dysplasia exists. There is significant subluxation present where the ball is partly or completely out of a shallow socket. Like moderate HD, there are also large amounts of secondary arthritic bone changes along the femoral neck and head, acetabular rim changes and large amounts of abnormal bone pattern changes.

Other Hip Dysplasia Registries—An Approximation E A-1 0-4 (no > 3/hip) Normal G A-2 5-10 (no > 6/hip) Normal F B-1 11-18 Normal B B-2 19-25 Fast Normal M C 26-35 Noch Zugelassen Mod D 36-50 Mittlere S E 51-106 Schwere

Other Hip Dysplasia Registries—An Approximation

OFA FCI (European) BVA (UK/Australia) SV (Germany)
E A-1 0-4(no > 3/hip) Normal
E A-2 5-10 (no > 6/hip) Normal
F B-1 11-18 Normal
B B-2 19-25 Fast Normal
M C 26-35 Noch Zugelassen
Mod D 36-50 Mittlere
s E 51-106 Schwere

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